1. any liquid that is swallowed to quench thirst, for nourishment, etc.; beverage.
2. liquor; alcohol.
3. excessive indulgence in alcohol: Drink was his downfall.
4. a swallow or draft of liquid; potion: She took a drink of water before she spoke.
5. Informal. a large body of water, as a lake, ocean, river, etc. (usually prec. by the): His teammates threw him in the drink.

This is one of my favourite drinks. A tad expensive to have it everyday but it is known to have lots of antioxidants that good for you.
1. an opaque white or bluish-white liquid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals, serving for the nourishment of their young.
2. this liquid as secreted by cows, goats, or certain other animals and used by humans for food or as a source of butter, cheeses, yogurt, etc.
3. any liquid resembling this, as the liquid within a coconut, the juice or sap of certain plants, or various pharmaceutical preparations.
This is my hunny's alternative to cow's milk. It is rice milk. I personally do not like it and would rather have the soya kind. Below is something I cook with on occassion. Coconut milk is found in many Asian cooking.

All your photos are great. I've seen the POM and always wondered what it taste like. It looks great!
Love pomegranate juice - yummy. We also opt for alternative milk in our home - soy is our choice of drink. Except for the babies - they get the real thing for now.
Nice shots!
Mmmm - I love pomegranate juice, too - we drink copious amounts of it! Love the coconut milk shot - FAB!
Great photos and nice insight into a different culture too. Thank you. :-)
Lin xx
Wow, great photo's!! Never had the rice or soyamilk though......
yummy, i love coconut-milk! great shots you´ve taken
Great photos!
Just had pomegranate juice for the first time yesterday - yummy!! Your photos are fab.
Love all the photos :o)
I like coconut milk and I love your photos.
Interesting images, I love goat milk!
Great photos all the way around!
lovely shots!
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